The Journey of 365 Day's of Happiness

Hello my dear blog reader,

I've decided to start a 365 days challenge of learning how to be happy and try new things every single day. In this blog I will share my experience and thoughts how it hard or easy it is. I have already started this challenge on the 29th of April 2018.

I wanted to start this blog to help me start being more happy about my life and appreciate the little things. I want to step over my comfort zone and finally live my life and not just exist. I want to learn how to not be depended on other people to make me happy, but to understand how to be happy with myself.
So I welcome You on this journey with me, and if You want to change your life as well don't be shy and come along.

Each day I will post my experience and I hope You enjoy! 

"Everyday may not be a good day but there is good in every day."
˜ Unknown ˜
